Air quality
Benefits of Professional Maintenance
We recommend following a maintenance protocol for HVAC systems, paying special attention to all ductwork. In our HVAC system cleanings, we have found various contaminants inside the ducts, including microorganisms, bacteria, fungi and even dead animals such as birds, rodents and insects.
Elimination of pollutants and improvement of indoor air quality.
Optimisation of the air-conditioning system to reduce energy costs.
We ensure that installations comply with current regulations.
Improved thermal comfort and indoor environment for all occupants.
Improve the air quality in your building
Don't let pollutants affect the air quality in your building. Contact us today for comprehensive HVAC maintenance to ensure a healthy and efficient environment. Let us take care of everything so that you only have to worry about what really matters: the health and well-being of the occupants.

Specialised Collaborations
We collaborate with laboratories, consultancies and engineering firms to develop the necessary procedures and study the different aspects of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). This allows us to ensure effective solutions to pollution problems and guarantee the environmental safety of indoor spaces.
Importance of Air Filtration and Air Renewal
The filter stages and filter type required for good indoor air quality (IDA) depend on the outdoor air quality (ODA). It is crucial to correctly calculate the required renovations and to select the appropriate filter stages and filter type for each use.

Recycled Air Challenges
Energy costs increase the more we renew the air and the more barriers (filters) we put in its way. This trend has led to a reduction in outdoor air intakes, sometimes to unhealthy levels. With an environment that is almost entirely made up of recycled air, indoor air pollution and density increases throughout the building. This unregenerate air accumulates millions of micro-organisms, many of them harmful, which are breathed in by everyone who lives, works or sporadically visits the site.
Global Concern for Indoor Environmental Quality
Indoor environmental quality has been a global concern for many years. Studies show that more than 33% of buildings with a volume of 25,000,000 cubic metres suffer from Sick Building Syndrome (SEM). This syndrome was tested in 2500 buildings in developed countries, 200 of which were Spanish.